Owners, investors, board members, heirs, and trustees require insights (what’s going on), strategies (what to do about it) and execution (doing what needs to be done) for any business. When a business has lost its way or the objectives of owners and board diverge significantly from those of existing management, or management can’t ‘pull the trigger’ to implement strategy, the organization and all its stakeholders are endangered. Action is required..
Lone Mountain Associates can help with these difficulties:
Sometimes an organization doesn’t know what happened to it, what went wrong, or where it needs to go. It’s sick but it doesn’t know the cause. Lone Mountain Associates can help with the diagnosis of the problem and defining the treatment plan to set a new course.
The start of corrective action is a fresh assessment of the assets and resources of the organization, focusing on those that can and should be protected. The Business Diagnosis includes a review, completed with the organization’s other trusted financial advisors, of:
- Cash flows and. burn rates
- Debt capacity and structure.
- Market and customer attractiveness
- Competitive position
- Current client and vendor satisfaction levels.
- Fixed, chattel, and intangible properties and their values, individually and together.
- Existing human resources.
- Business policies, processes, and compliance.
From an understanding of the current condition of the company and its market position, we can help identify realistic alternative strategic objectives, defined within set financial parameters, such as expected capital structures and cash flows, and required timelines.
We develop an array of alternative strategies to achieve the chosen objective, together with milestones and timelines and we help decision-makers choose a strategy.
Usually, many of the elements of executing the new strategy are difficult, as they involve hard choices about staffing, compensation, spending, activities, even changes in ownership or its continued existence. Lone Mountain Associates has extensive experience in managing the implementation of these necessary strategic actions effectively, from both cost and human response perspectives.
Representative of the issues addressed are:
- Curtailment of spending categories.
- New financial reporting.
- Staff assessment.
- Staff reorganization.
- Staff terminations.
- New Hiring.
- Product development redirection.
- New client analysis and sales and marketing.
- Changes in distribution channels
- Asset, process, and network security.
- Process change.
- Asset valuation and disposition.
- Divestitures
- Selling the business.
- Shareholder buyouts.
- Liquidation.
Lone Mountain Associates focuses intensely on communicating changes, within the organization—to rally staff to new objectives, structure, patterns of work, and leadership—and externally, to maximize relationship value with creditors, customers, vendors, regulators, and the press.
Deliverables without measurement or timeliness are only opinions. All of Lone Mountain Associates’ deliverables are quantified and presented according to rigorous, agreed upon timelines, benchmarks, and milestones.
Lone Mountain’s role fits the needs of the client. Our professionals can serve as:
- Advisor
- Consultant
- Interim CEO or COO
- Board member
We work collaboratively with a client’s pre-existing strategic, financial, accounting, and legal advisors.
Lone Mountain Associates can bring additional resources from a network of talented experts in a wide array of specialties, including business, tangible and intangible valuation, management assessment, IT, process management, and executive coaching.
Contact us at 602-463-0844 or